Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beer Run Haul and Unexpected Surprise

Last night I checked my paypal account for the first time in a long time. I got a nice surprise when I saw that someone purchased one of my Financial Spreadsheets from my previous doubling project. After some paypal fees, I netted $3.57. A modest amount, but given I am no longer promoting it and given my current level, this is a huge boost for the morale! I decided to go on another `Beer Run`this morning, but this time I drove part way to work and ran from there. 2K down a country road and 2K back to my car on the other side. I ran down the entire first side and found nothing. The return trip was much more profitable as I found 9 beer bottles (I was smart enough to bring plastic bags this time). To top it off, I found another one on my way home for lunch, so that`s another $1 for the project. Not bad for just doing what you were going to do anyways. I really can`t believe how many beer bottles are in the ditch. Keep em` coming!


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