Saturday, March 20, 2010

Finally completed donation and bought a treat for me!

Well I looked and looked and looked again for somewhere to donate 26 cents to the hearing impaired. Why doesn't that lady come back? I denied her a dime, but there's a quarter and a penny with her name on it. I finally gave up and gave the 'blind dog' the money. He was very appreciative. I also realized that I never bought anything for myself so far, which meant I could buy something for exactly 50 cents. It's actually difficult to find something that cheap now a days. I could have waited a few more weeks for garage sale season to see if I could find anything, but I opted instead for the gum ball machine. Actually it was a jelly bean machine. You sure get a lot of jelly beans for 50 cents. I feel like I won a stomach ache LOL. It had been a very long time since I had any jelly beans so it was a treat indeed. It was nice to enjoy the fruits of my doubling labors. There is a poker game tonight, so I will be betting 20% of my stake. The first game I get to bet $2.88. Wish me luck.


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